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Peru: Shining Path chief reveals gruesome tales | Public Radio ...
src: media.pri.org

The Peruvian Communist Party (Spanish: Partido Comunista del PerÃÆ'º ), better known as Shining Path (Spanish: Sendero Luminoso ), is a Maoist guerrilla group in Peru. When first launching the internal conflict in Peru in 1980, the aim was to overthrow the state and replace it with "New Democracy". The Shining Path believes that by building the dictatorship of the proletariat, driving the cultural revolution, and finally triggering the world revolution, they can achieve full communism. Their representatives declared that the existing socialist state was a revisionist, and that the Shining Road was the vanguard of the world communist movement. The ideology and tactics of the Shining Path have been influential among other Maoist insurgent groups, particularly the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and organizations affiliated with the other Revolutionary Internationalist Movements.

The Shining Path is classified by Peruvian, US, European Union and Canadian governments as terrorist organizations. Since the capture of its leader Abimael GuzmÃÆ'¡n in 1992, the Shining Line has declined in activity.

Video Shining Path


The common name of this group, Shining Path, distinguishes it from several other Peruvian communist parties with similar names (see Communism in Peru). The name is derived from the proverb JosÃÆ'Â © Carlos MariÃÆ'¡tegui, founder of the original Peruvian Communist Party in the 1920s: "El Marxismo-Leninismo abrirÃÆ'¡ el sendero luminoso hacia la revoluciÃÆ'³n" ("Marxism-Leninism will opening a shining path to revolution ").

This adage is featured in the newspaper masthead of the Cemerlang Road front group. Peruvian communist groups are often distinguished by the names of their publications. Followers of this group are generally called senderistas . All documents, magazines, and other materials produced by the organization are signed by the Peruvian Communist Party (PCP). Academics often refer to them as PCP-SL.

Maps Shining Path


The Shining Path was founded in the late 1960s by Abimael Guzmánn, a former professor of university philosophy (his followers refer to him by his nom de guerre who is President Gonzalo ). His teachings created the foundation of his militant Maoist doctrine. It is a branch of the Peruvian Communist Party - Flag ijazah (red flag), which in turn breaks from the original Peruvian Communist Party, a derivative of the Peruvian Socialist Party founded by José Carlos Carlos in the 1928.

The Shining Path first built a foothold in San Cristón³bal of Huamanga University, in Ayacucho, where GuzmÃÆ'¡n teaches philosophy. The university was recently reopened after being closed for about half a century, and many students from the newly educated classes adopted the radical ideology of the Shining Path. Between 1973 and 1975, members of the Shining Path mastered student councils at Huancayo University and La Cantuta, and they also developed a significant presence at the National University of Engineering at Lima and the National University of San Marcos. Some time later, he lost a lot of student elections at universities, including GuzmÃÆ'¡n San CristÃÆ'³bal of Huamanga. He decided to leave the recruitment at the university and consolidate again.

Starting on March 17, 1980, Jalan Cemerlang held a series of secret meetings in Ayacucho, known as the second plenum of the Central Committee. It formed a political and military "Directorate of the Revolution" and ordered its militia to move to strategic areas in the provinces to begin an "armed struggle", although revisionism was instituted in China by Deng Xiaoping and its economic success since 1978. The group also held "First Military School" where members are instructed in military tactics and weapons use. They are also involved in "Criticism and Self-criticism," a Maoist practice intended to clear bad habits and avoid repetition of mistakes. During the existence of the First Military School, members of the Central Committee were heavily criticized. GuzmÃÆ'¡n no, and he emerges from First Military School as the clear leader of the Shining Path. In 1992, Guzman and other Shining Path leaders received life sentences for their role in the Lucanamarca massacre, among other allegations.

Peru Rescues Dozens of Hostages Held Captive by Shining Path ...
src: news-images.vice.com

Guerrilla War

When the Peruvian military government allowed the election for the first time in a dozen years in 1980, the Shining Path was one of the few leftist political groups that refused to take part. He chose to start a guerrilla war in the Ayacucho Region highlands. On May 17, 1980, on the eve of the presidential election, he set fire to a ballot box in the city of Chuschi. It was the first "act of war" by the Shining Path. The perpetrators were arrested quickly and additional ballots were sent to Chuschi. The election went without further problems, and the incident received little attention in the Peruvian press.

Throughout the 1980s, the Brilliant Line grew, both in terms of controlled territory, and in the number of militants in its organization, especially in the Andean highlands. He has the support of local farmers by filling in the political vacuum left by the central government and providing "popular justice". This caused the peasants of many villages in Peru to express sympathy for the Cemerlang Street, especially in the poor and neglected areas of Ayacucho, Apuracac, and Huancavelica. Sometimes, civilians in neglected small towns participate in popular courts, especially when court victims are not favored.

The credibility of Jalan Cemerlang was aided by the government's initially warm response to the insurgency. For more than a year, the government has refused to declare a state of emergency in the region where the Shining Line operates. Interior Minister, JosÃÆ'Â © MarÃÆ'a de la Jara, believes the group can be easily defeated through police action. In addition, the president, Fernando BelaÃÆ'Âddd Terry, who returned to power in 1980, was reluctant to hand over the authority to the armed forces, as his first government had ended in a military coup. The result is farmers in the areas where Jalan Cemerlang actively thinks that the state is powerless or uninterested in their issues.

On December 29, 1981, the government declared an "emergency zone" in three areas of Andean Ayacucho, Huancavelica and Apuracac, and gave the military the power to arbitrarily detain suspicious persons. The military abused this power, arrested innocent people, sometimes subjected them to torture during interrogation and rape. Police, military forces, and members of the Popular Guerrilla Army (Ejà ©  © rcito Guerrillero Popular, or EGP) committed several massacres throughout the conflict. Military personnel began wearing black ski masks to hide their identities and protect their safety, as well as their families.

In some areas, farmers trained by the military and organizing them into anti-insurgency militia, called "ronda". They are generally not well equipped, despite being given weapons by the state. The guerrillas attacked the Shining Path guerrilla. The first reported attack occurred in January 1983, near Huata, when "ronderos" killed 13 "senderistas" in February, in Sacsamarca. In March 1983, ronderos brutally murdered Olegario Curitomay, one of Lucanamarca's city commander. They took him to the town square, pelted him, stabbed him, burned him, and finally shot him.

Shining Path attacks are not limited in the countryside. It mounted an attack on infrastructure in Lima, killing civilians in the process. In 1983, he sabotaged several power transmission towers, caused power outages across the city, and burned and destroyed the Bayer industrial plant. That same year, it sparked a powerful bomb in the office of the ruling party, Popular Action. Increasing its activity in Lima, in June 1985 blew up an electric transmission tower in Lima, generating power cuts, and detonating car bombs near government palaces and court courts. It is believed to be responsible for the bombing of a shopping center. At that time, President Fernando BelaÃÆ'Ânnde Terry received the Argentine president RaÃÆ'ºl AlfonsÃÆ'n. In one of its last attacks in Lima, on July 16, 1992, the group detonated a powerful bomb on Tarata Street in Miraflores District, filled with civilians, adults and children, killing 25 people and wounding 155 others.

During this period, Shining Road kills certain people, especially other leftist leaders, local political parties, trade unions, and peasant organizations, some of which are Marxist Anti-Shine Paths. On April 24, 1985, in the middle of the presidential election, he tried to kill Domingo GarcÃÆ'a Rada, president of Peru's National Electoral Council, injuring him and injuring his driver. In 1988, Constantin (Gus) Gregory, an American citizen working for the United States Agency for International Development, was assassinated. Two French aid workers were killed on December 4 of the same year. In August 1991, the group killed an Italian and two Polish priests in the Ancash Territory. In February next, he killed MarÃÆ'a Elena Moyano, a famous community organizer at Villa El Salvador, a sprawling slum city in Lima.

In 1991, Jalan Cemerlang had ruled most of the countryside in central and southern Peru and had a large presence in the suburbs of Lima. As the organization grows in power, the personality cults grow around GuzmÃÆ'¡n. The official ideology of the Shining Way ceases to be "Marxist-Leninist-Mao Tse-tung" thinking, and is instead referred to as "Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Gonzalo" thought. The Shining Path fought against other major Peru guerrilla groups, the Revolutionary Movement TÃÆ'ºpac Amaru (MRTA), as well as campesino self-defense groups organized by Peruvian armed forces.

Although the reliability of the reports on the Crime's brutality remains a matter of controversy in Peru, the use of force by the organization is well documented. The Shining Path rejects the concept of human rights; document Jalan Cemerlang stated:

We begin by not linking the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or Costa Rica [Convention on Human Rights], but we have used their legal instruments to unmask and denounce the old Peruvian state... For us, human rights are against rights people, because we base human rights as a social product, not human as abstract with inherent rights. "Human rights" does not exist except for bourgeois people, positions that are at the forefront of feudalism, such as freedom, equality, and fraternity advanced for the bourgeoisie of the past. But today, since the emergence of the proletariat as a class organized in the Communist Party, with the triumphant experience of the revolution, with the construction of socialism, the new democracy and the dictatorship of the proletariat, it has been proved that human rights serve class oppressors and exploiters who run imperialist countries and land-bureaucratic owners. The bourgeois states in general... Our position is very clear. We reject and condemn human rights because they are bourgeois, reactionary, counter-revolutionary, and right now revisionist and imperialist weapons, especially the Yankee imperialists.

Support level

The Shining Path quickly gained control of the vast Peruvian region. This group has significant support among farming communities and has the support of some slum dwellers in the capital and elsewhere. Maoism Shining Path may not have the support of many city dwellers. According to the poll, only 15% of the population was considered justifiable subversion in June 1988, while only 17% considered it justified in 1991. In June 1991, "the total sample was not approved by the Shining Path with a margin of 83 to 7 percent, with 10 percent not answering the question.Ameven the poorest, however, only 58 percent expressed disapproval from Shining Path; 11 percent said they had a favorable opinion of Shining Path, and about 31 percent would not answer that question. "A September 1991 poll found that 21 percent of those surveyed in Lima believed that the Shining Way did not torture and kill innocent people. The same poll found that 13% believed that the community would be fairer if the Shining Path won the war and 22% believed the public would be equally well below the Shining Path as under the government.

The poll is never really accurate because Peru has several anti-terrorism laws, including "apology for terrorism," which makes it a punishable offense for anyone who does not condemn the Shining Path. As a result, the law makes it illegal to support the group in any way.

Many farmers are unhappy with the rules of Jalan Cemerlang for various reasons, such as their disrespect for cultures and customary institutions. However, they have also made agreements and alliances with some indigenous tribes. Some dislike the "popular court" brutality which sometimes includes "throat cutting, throttling, throwing stones, and burning." The farmers were offended by the rebels' orders to bury the bodies of the victims of the Shining Path.

The Shining Road follows Mao's dictum that guerrilla warfare must begin in the countryside and gradually squeeze the cities. Shining Path forbids continuous hangover, but they allow alcohol consumption.

Meet the Shining Path. It's a Truly Terrifying Boulder Problem ...
src: i.ytimg.com

Government response

In 1991, President Alberto Fujimori passed a law that gave legal status rondas, and from then on they were officially called ComitÃÆ'Â © s de auto defensa (â € "The Defense Self-Defense Committee.") They were officially armed, usually with a 12-gauge rifle, and trained by the Peruvian Army.According to the government, there were about 7,226 comitÃÆ'Â © s de auto defensa in 2005, nearly 4,000 located in the central region of Peru, the stronghold of the Cemerlang Line.

The Peruvian government also crushed the Shining Path by other means. Military personnel were sent to areas dominated by the Shining Path, especially Ayacucho, to fight the rebels. Ayacucho itself is declared an emergency zone, and constitutional rights are suspended in the area.

The government's early efforts to counter the Shining Path were not very effective or promising. The military unit was involved in many human rights violations, which caused the Shining Road to appear in the eyes of many as lower than two crimes. They use excessive force and kill innocent civilians. Government forces destroy villages and kill campesinos suspected of supporting the Shining Path. They ultimately reduced the pace at which the armed forces committed atrocities such as massacres. In addition, the country began to widen the use of intelligence agencies in its struggle against the Shining Path. However, atrocities were committed by the National Intelligence Service and the Army Intelligence Service, notably the La Cantuta massacre and the Barrios Altos massacre, both of which were undertaken by Grupo Colina.

After the collapse of the Fujimori administration, the temporary President Valentínn Paniagua set up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate the conflict. The Commission finds in the Final Report 2003 that 69,280 people died or disappeared between 1980 and 2000 as a result of the armed conflict. The Shining Path was found to be responsible for about 54% of deaths and disappearances reported to the Commission. Statistical analysis of available data leads the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to estimate that the Brilliant Line is responsible for the death or loss of 31,331 people, 46% of total deaths and disappearances. According to a report by Human Rights Watch, "Shining Path... killed about half the casualties, and about a third died at the hands of government security forces... The commission linked several other killings to smaller guerrilla groups and local militias. attributes. "MRTA is responsible for 1.5% of deaths.

Peru Rescues Dozens of Hostages Held Captive by Shining Path ...
src: news-images.vice.com

Capture GuzmÃÆ'¡n and collapse

On September 12, 1992, El Grupo Especial de Inteligencia (GEIN) arrested GuzmÃÆ'¡n and several Shining Path leaders in an apartment above a dance studio in the Surquillo district of Lima. GEIN has monitored the apartment, as a number of people suspected of being Shining Path militants have visited it. Examination of garbage in the apartment produces empty tubes of skin cream used to treat psoriasis, a condition that GuzmÃÆ'¡n is known. Shortly after the attack captured by GuzmÃÆ'¡n, most of the remaining Shining Path's leadership fell as well.

The arrest of rebel leader Abimael GuzmÃÆ'¡n left a huge leadership vacuum for Shining Path. "There's no number 2. There's only Presidente Gonzalo and then the party," a political officer of Shining Path told a birthday celebration for GuzmÃÆ'n at Lurigancho prison in December 1990. "Without Presidente Gonzalo we will have nothing."

At the same time, Jalan Cemerlang suffered an embarrassing military defeat for a self-defense organization of rural campesinos - it should be its social base. When GuzmÃÆ'¡n called for peace talks, the organization was fractured into splinter groups, with some members of Jalan Cemerlang in favor of such talk and others opposed. The role of GuzmÃÆ'¡n as the leader of the Shining Way was taken over by ÃÆ'â € Å"parut RamÃÆ'rerez, who himself was captured by Peruvian authorities in 1999. After RamÃÆ'rez's arrest, the group split, guerrilla activity sharply reduced, and peace returned to the areas where the Road Brilliant has been active.

Shining Path Clip Charm | PANDORA eSTORE
src: au.pandora.net

the rise and fall of the 21st century

Although the number of organizations has decreased in 2003, a militant faction of the Excellence Path called Proseguir ("Continued") continues to be active.

On May 21, 2002, a car bomb exploded outside the US embassy in Lima shortly before the visit of President George W. Bush. Nine people were killed and 30 wounded; the attack was determined to be the work of the Shining Path.

On June 9, 2003, a group of Shining Paths attacked a camp in Ayacucho, and took 68 employees from Argentine company Techint and three police officers as hostages. They have worked on the Camisea gas pipeline project that will take the natural gas from Cusco to Lima. According to sources from the Peruvian Interior Ministry, the rebels demanded a considerable ransom to free the hostages. Two days later, after a rapid military response, the rebels abandoned the hostages; according to government sources, no ransom was paid. However, there is a rumor that US $ 200,000 is paid to the rebels.

Government forces have arrested three prominent Shining Path members. In April 2000, Commander JosÃÆ'Ã… © Arcela Chiroque, called "OrmeÃÆ' Â ± o", was arrested, followed by another leader, Florentino CerrÃÆ'³n Cardozo, called "Marcelo" in July 2003. In November of the same year, Jaime ZuÃÆ' The iga, called "Cirilo" or "Dalton," was arrested after clashes in which four militants were killed and an officer was wounded. Officials say he took part in planning the kidnapping of the Techint pipe workers. He was also allegedly leading an ambush on an army helicopter in 1999 in which five soldiers were killed.

In 2003, Peruvian National Police dispersed several Shining Path training camps and arrested many members and leaders. He also freed about 100 indigenous people who were detained in slavery. At the end of October 2003 there were 96 terrorist incidents in Peru, projected a 15% decline from 134 kidnappings and armed attacks in 2002. Also for this year, eight or nine people were killed by the Shining Path, and 6 were killed. and 209 arrested.

In January 2004, a man known as Comrade Artemio and identified himself as one of the leaders of the Shining Path, said in a media interview that the group would continue violent operations unless the Peruvian government grants amnesty to other Shining Path top leaders in 60 days. Peru's Home Minister Fernando Rospigliosi said the government would respond "drastically and quickly" to any acts of violence. In September of the same year, a comprehensive sweep by police in five cities found 17 suspect members. According to the interior minister, eight of those arrested were school teachers and high school administrators.

Despite this arrest, the Brilliant Line continues to exist in Peru. On December 22, 2005, Jalan Cemerlang ambushed a police patrol in the HuÃÆ'¡nuco region, killing eight people. Later that day they injured two additional police officers. In response, President Alejandro Toledo declared a state of emergency at HuÃÆ'¡nuco, and gave police power to ransack the house and arrest the suspect without a warrant. On February 19, 2006, Peruvian police killed HÃÆ' Â © ctor Aponte, who is believed to be the commander in charge of the ambush. In December 2006, Peruvian troops were sent to fight renewed guerrilla activity and, according to high-level government officials, the strength of the Shining Line had reached about 300 members. In November 2007, police said they killed the second commander of Artemio, a guerrilla known as JL.

In September 2008, government forces announced the killing of five rebels in the Vizcatan region. This claim was later opposed by APRODEH, a Peruvian human rights group, who believed that those killed were local farmers and not rebels. That same month, Artemio gave his first record interview since 2006. In it he stated that the Shining Way will continue to struggle despite mounting military pressure. In October 2008, in the Huancavelica Territory, the guerrillas used military convoys with explosives and firearms, demonstrating their continuing ability to attack and inflict casualties on military targets. The conflict resulted in the deaths of 12 soldiers and two to seven civilians. It came one day after a clash in the Vizcatan region, which left five rebels and one soldier dead.

In November 2008, rebels used hand grenades and automatic weapons in an attack that claimed the lives of 4 police officers. In April 2009, Jalan Cemerlang ambushed and killed 13 government troops in Ayacucho. Grenades and dynamite are used in the attack. The dead included eleven soldiers and one captain, and two soldiers were also wounded, with one reported missing.

Poor communication is said to have made the news relay difficult. The country's defense minister, Antero Flores ArÃÆ'¡oz, said many soldiers "fell on a cliff". Prime Minister Yehude Simon said the attacks were "a desperate answer by the Cemerlang Street in the face of progress by armed forces", and expressed confidence that the area would soon be released from "terrorist remnants". As a result, a leader of Sendero called this "the strongest [anti-government] blow...... in a long time". In November 2009, Defense Minister Rafael Rey announced that Shining Path militants had attacked a military outpost in southern Ayacucho province. One soldier was killed and three others wounded in the attack.

On April 28, 2010 rebels of the Shining Line in Peru ambushed and killed a police officer and two civilians who destroyed the Aucayacu coca farm, in the central region of Haunuco, Peru. The victims were shot dead by sniper fire from dense forest because more than 200 workers destroy coca crops. Since the attack, the Shining Path faction, based in the Upper Huallaga Valley of Peru and led by Florindo Eleuterio Flores Hala, aka Comrade Artemio, has operated in survival mode, and has lost 9 of their top 10 leaders to Peruvian National Police Operation shooting (PNP). Two of the eight leaders were killed by PNP personnel during the arrest attempt. Nine people arrested/killed Shining Path (Top Huallaga Valley faction) include Mono (August 2009), Rubà © (May 2010), Izula (October 2010), Sergio (Dec 2010), Yoli/Miguel/Jorge Jun. 2011), Gato Larry (June 2011), Oscar Tigre (August 2011), Vicente Roger (August 2011) and Dante/Delta (January 2012).

This loss of leadership coupled with the removal of the Shining Path (Valley of Upper Huallaga) executed by the PNP in November 2010, prompted Comrade Artemio to declare in December 2011 to several international journalists that guerrilla warfare against the Peruvian Government was lost, and that his only hope was to negotiate an amnesty agreement with the Government of Peru.

On February 12, 2012, Comrade Artemio was found seriously injured after a clash with troops in the remote outback forest of Peru. President Ollanta Humala said the capture of Artemio marked the defeat of the Shining Path in the Alto Huallaga valley - the center of cocaine production. President Humala has stated that he will now step up the fight against the remaining Shining Path rebel bands in the Ene-ApurÃÆ'mac valley. On March 3, Walter Diaz, the main candidate to replace Artemio, was arrested, and ensured the disintegration of the Alto Huallaga valley faction. On April 3, 2012, Jaime Arenas Caviedes, a senior leader in remnants of the group in the Alto Huallaga Valley who is also regarded as a prime candidate to replace Artemio after Diaz's arrest, was arrested. After Kaviedes, aka "Braulio," was captured, Humala stated that the Shining Path now could not operate in the Alto Huallaga Valley.

On October 7, 2012, Shining Path rebels attacked three helicopters used by a consortium of international gas pipelines, in the central region of Cusco. According to a spokesman for the Joint Military Command, Colonel Alejandro Lujan, no one was kidnapped or injured during the attack.

On June 7, 2013, Comrade Artemio was convicted of terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering. He was sentenced to life in prison and fined $ 183 million.

On August 11, 2013, Kamerad Alipio, leader of the Distinction Path in the Ene-ApurÃÆ'Âmac Valley, was killed in battle with the government forces in Llochegua.

On April 9, 2016 on the eve of the country's presidential election, the Peruvian government blamed the remnants of Jalan Bersinar for a guerrilla attack that killed eight soldiers and two civilians.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
