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Peace River, near Hudson's Hope in northern British Columbia ...

Hudson Hope is a municipal district in northeastern British Columbia, Canada, in the Regional District of the River Peace. It covers an area of ​​927 square kilometers (358 sq.s. Mi) with a population of 1,157 people. After first settling along the Peace River in 1805, it was the third oldest European-Canadian community in the province, though it was not included until 1965. Much of the work in the economy is linked to the WAC Dam Bennett and Damai Canyon Dam nearby. , and logging.

There is a debate about the origin of the name Hudson's Hope. One theory gets the word "Hudson" from Hudson's Bay Company and "Hope" from the word "hope" of Scotland which means "small closed valley". Another theory has a name that comes from a prospector named Hudson who came to the area looking for gold. The Hudson District Hope slogan is "Playground of the Peace".

Video Hudson's Hope


The indigenous tribe of Dene zaa originally occupied the area. Alexander Mackenzie and his sailing team became the first Europeans to travel through it as they sailed west along the Peace River. In 1793, Simon Fraser followed in 1805 and established a feather trade post in West West Company, Rocky Mountain Portage House, at the foot of the canyon just across the river from the current townsite. This is the only important site on the Peace River between Fort Chipewyan and Fort McLeod.

The Hudson Bay Company took possession of the fort after its coalition with the North West Company in 1821 and abandoned it in 1823 after the massacre at the outpost of Fort St. John. HBC opened a new trading post on the south bank in 1866 to compete with free traders coming from the west. (Hudson's Bay Company Archives B.39/b/18 p.Ã, 57) Although its origins are unclear, the name Hudson's Hope was first recorded in 1868. Theory at its origin included an explorer named Hudson looking for the Northwest Passage, or a candidate named Henry Hudson looking for gold, or the use of English and Scottish words , which means a small closed valley. In 1899 the castle was moved to a townsite location now in the northern bank to serve better people to the northwest.

Much of the area was explored by gold seekers and survey crews when the Peace River Block was opened for mineral mining in 1908 and homestead claims in 1912. Permanent settlements were established in 1912 by a police officer, previously stationed at Fort St. John. , and a friend from Victoria, who stalked the first guesthouse. Others join them as they travel through Edmonton, Dunvegan, and Fort St. John to discover the community of Beryl Prairie and Lynx Creek. Soon, when other settlers arrived, they built post offices, hotels, and churches around the trading post. In 1923 the settlers opened their first school. Coal was discovered several years earlier and is used locally. Commercial coal mining, tried in 1923, was unsuccessful due to high isolation and transportation costs to other markets. The construction of Alaska Highway in 1942 created high local demand and encouraged commercial coal mining.

Major developments came to rural areas in the 1960s, when the provincial government planned and built the W. A Dam. Â € <â €

Soon after that the second dam, Peace Canyon Dam, was planned and built, several miles downstream from the first. The second dam began operations in 1980. The city continues to lose its population, reaching a low of 1,005 people in 1990. Since then, the city has remained geographically isolated and economically dependent on BC Hydro as its main company. It has marketed wide isolation and outdoor recreational opportunities as a benefit to living in the area.

Maps Hudson's Hope

Geography and climate

The 927 km 2 (358 sq. M, mi) municipality covers the main townsite on 3 km (2 mi) wide, 8 km (5 mi) long flat along the northern edge of the Peace River, and the rural community of Beryl Prairie , Lynx Creek, and Farrell Creek. The Peace River comes from W.A.C. Bennett Dam from the Peace Reach Arm of Williston Lake and flows around the High Mountage of Portage 1,427 m (4,682 feet) and through Dinosaur Lake. Water is stored here for three days before it is released to Dam Peace Canyon. It flows northeast through the townsite, and the rural communities of Lynx Creek and Farrell Creek, and finally into the Arctic Ocean. The Hudson Hope Suspension Bridge provides a pathway over the river near the city. Forested hills in the Rocky Mountains, including Mount Johnson and 1,230 m (4,035 ft) of Mount Dua Ridge, dominate the southern area of ​​the River of Peace. The foot of the hill continues north of the river, past the grassland in Beryl Prairie.

Dinosaur Lake is a strongly planted Dam Peace Canyon reservoir, has a surface area of ​​805 ha (3 m²) and a volume of 0.216 km 3 (0.05 mi 3 ). The oligotropic lake is fed by Williston Lake and 5 tributaries (Gething, Johnson, Moosebar, Starfish and Mogul creeks).

Most municipalities are forested by aspen and poplar trees. Common animals in this area include deer, bears, deer, sheep, goats, and deer. Every year the revamping releases milkfish, especially the rainbow trout to the lake. Traces of dinosaurs and fossils have been found in the municipality, including sediments that were later covered by the filling of Dinosaur Lake. The ichthyosaur Hudsonelpidia was named after the community after it was discovered there in the 1960s.

Historically, winter is very cold with lots of snow. However, due to the filling of Lake Williston, the largest man-made lake in North America, winters have been milder with average temperatures of January -15 Â ° C (5 Â ° F) and annual snowfall of 194 cm (76 Â °). The municipality has an average planting season of 135 days, the longest in north BC, with an average temperature of July 15Ã, Â ° C (59Ã, Â ° F). With dams, lakes and rivers are isothermal about 2 to 10 Â ° C (36 to 50 Â ° F).

Recreation Sites and Trails BC


While society is one of the oldest provinces, the first census to include it as a defined subdivision was 1966, which recorded 3,068 people. The previous report mentions a population of less than 100 in 1954. The 1960s figures are due to workers coming to the area for the planning and construction of hydroelectric dams. After the labor camp was closed and most of the workers left, the 1971 census counted 1,741 people remaining. A small increase in population came in the mid-1970s during the second hydroelectric dam construction period. Since then, without any major industry or new projects, the population has remained between 1,000 and 1,300. In 2006, the Canadian Statistics Census estimated 1,012 people living in the municipality while BC Stats estimated 1,159 people.

According to the Canadian census of 2001, there were 1,039 people living in 415 households, 7% losses since the 1996 census. Slightly above the provincial average of 56% were married while 25% were single. 1% of Hope Hudson residents were born overseas, and 89% had an English mother tongue; the city has some visible minorities. Although not counted as a minority seen during the census, 130 people were identified as Aboriginal, about three times the average of 4% of the province. Given the isolation of the city, most housing is owned, with only 7% of the shares hired, much lower than the provincial average of 33%.

In 2005, three officers of Mounted Stanley Police Relief from the Royal Canadian Kingdom reported 102 violations of the Code of Infringement, down from 124 in 2004. This translates to a crime rate of 62 Penal Code violations per 1,000 people, lower than the 125 provincial level. In 2004, the only category of the Criminal Code in which Hudson's Hope has a crime rate reported higher than average is in non-sexual attacks in 14.3 reported cases per 1,000 people (9.9 provinces), sexual assaults at 1.2 (0, 88 provinces), driving disorders in 6.2 (3.2 provinces), and cannabis-related crimes in 5.5 (4.2 provinces). All other Criminal Code categories are lower for Hope Hudson than the provincial average, especially for motor vehicle theft, only 2.5 per 1,000 people (provincial average is 8.9), theft of vehicles in 1.9 (20 , 2 provinces), and residential and entry breaks at 1.9 (6.0 in province).

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It is located along Highway 29, between Chetwynd and Fort St. John. The highway crosses the Peace River through Hudson's Hanging Suspension Bridge and runs west along the northern edge of the Peace River through the townsite, Lynx Creek, and Farrel Creek. From townsite, W.A.C. Bennett Dam is 22 km (14 mi) west. In total, the district maintains 33 km (21 mi) of unpaved roads and 27 km (17 mi) without rice with most businesses located along Beattie Road on Highway 29. Community facilities and several residential areas are located between Beattie Road and River Peace, and more residential areas located in the hills north of the city center.

Hope Hudson Airport, 6 km (4 mi) to the west of the city, is a small airport with a 1,585 foot (5,200 feet) long paved runway that handles private flights and chartered planes. Nearest commercial airport, with regular flight schedule, approximately 86 km (53 mi) to the east, near Fort St. John. The nearest bus stop and regional train station is about 60 km (37 mi) to the south, at Chetwynd.

The city drew its drinking water from the Peace River, and chlorinated and distributed it through a 15 km (9 mile) fountain. The drain ducts are collected through 8 km (5 mi) of sanitary channels and are processed in a two-cell lagoon system. The city government funds weekly garbage collection from households in townsite and transfer stations in rural communities. Electric power is supplied by BC Hydro and natural gas owned by the province by private Pacific Natural Gas.

Recreation Sites and Trails BC

Economics and education

Hope Hudson has a dominant resource-based economy. The community was established as a trading post along the portage path but with sternwheelers and steamers navigating the Peace River in the extraction of 1800s resources, such as logging and agriculture, began. The city economy is changing towards construction beginning in the 1960s with the Bennett Dam followed by Dam Peace Canyon. Additional staff have been hired with museum dams and tour related activities. According to the Canadian census of 2001, 20% of the 500 manpower employed in utilities, 14% in construction, and 11% in logging. Communities have low poverty rates despite low participation rates and high unemployment rates. With a full-time man, twice a year full of women, there is a large income gap between men and women.

The only school in the municipality is the Hudson Senior High School-Hudson Primary School, run by Peace River North District School 60. The school, built in 1993, teaches students from kindergarten to 12th grade and has enrollment of about 220 students. Northern Lights College offers courses at the Hudson's Hope Learning Center that focus on the oil and gas industry, as well as basic, sustainable, and mature education. The 2001 census estimates that only 6% of people at Hudson's Hope are between the ages of 20 and 64 who graduate from university, far fewer than the provincial average of 24% and 30% not graduated from secondary school, 10% higher than the provincial average.

Williston Lake Resort, Hudson Hope, Canada -

Culture and recreation

The Hudson's Hope Museum is located at Hudson's Bay Store, built in 1942. It has exhibits in prehistoric areas (ie dinosaur fossils, bones and tracks), future (ie Aboriginal, North West Company and Hudson Bay Company artifacts), and boom times (eg the construction of the Bennett and Peace Canyon dam). Both dams have museums and offer tours. The Museum at Bennett Dam focuses on massive engineering and construction programs to build the world's largest reservoirs and earth dams. The museum in Dam Peace Canyon focuses on the natural history of the area, especially the findings of dinosaurs found during dam construction.

Thousands of people in this city have libraries, skating rinks, curly rinks, and outdoor heated pools. The Hudson's Community Community Hall is used for theater, dance, and public gatherings. The annual event includes a rodeo in June, an autumn exhibition in August, and a torch parade in December. The district operates three public parks: Beattie Park with playground and visitor information center, Centennial Park with saw carvings and totem polls, and Memorial Park with tennis courts, swimming pool and toboggan hill. Outside the townsite, the district helps maintain the Beryl Prairie Community Park, and Jamieson Forest Preserve.

Williston Lake, Dinosaur Lake, Cameron Lake, and Peace River are used for canoeing, kayaking, sailing and fishing. In addition to private camps, the district operates four camps. King Gething Park and Alwin Holland Park, both named after pioneers in the 1920s and 30s, are camping and RV parks on the northern edge of the Peace River, west of the townsite. Dinosaur Lake The camp near the Dam Canyon dam and Cameron Lake Campground near North Cameron Lake were both taken over by the district in 1989 from the province.

Recreation Sites and Trails BC

Government and politics

Harapan Hudson District has a city council-manager form. A mayor and six councilors are elected widely every three years, along with one guardian to the school district. Such systems produce candidates that appeal to the majority of voters. In the December 2, 2012 election, Gwen Johansson was elected mayor of Hudson's Hope, replacing Karen Anderson. In November 2011 Karen Anderson was elected mayor. He was first elected mayor in 2008, defeating former mayor Lenore Harwood. The mayor is appointed by the council as a District representative on the Board of Directors of the Peace River District.

Hudson's Hope is located in the Peace River North province electoral district and is represented by Dan Davies in the British Columbia Legislative Council. Prior to Pimm, the city was represented by Richard Neufeld, who was first elected as Member of the Legislative Assembly in the 1991 provincial election with BC Social Credit Party taking 31% of votes cast in Hudson's Hope polls and reelected by the BC Party Reform in 1996 with 44% support, with BC's Liberal Party in 2001 and 2005 with 57% and 41% of the Hope Hudson poll, respectively.

In federal terms, Hudson's Hope is located in Prince George - Peace River riding, which is represented in the House of Commons by Conservative Party Member Bob Zimmer. Before Zimmer, the city was represented by Jay Hill, who was first elected in 1993, then re-elected in 1997, 2000, 2004 and 2006 with 79%, 75%, 64%, and 66%. support from the Hope poll, respectively. Prior to Hill, the rider was represented by Frank Oberle of the Progressive Conservative Party from 1972 to 1993. Oberle served as the State Minister of Science and Technology from 1985 to 1989 and the Minister of Forestry from 1990 to 1993.

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See also

  • Beryl Prairie, British Columbia

Recreation Sites and Trails BC


Recreation Sites and Trails BC

External links

  • Official website

Source of the article : Wikipedia
