On February 2, 1862, the Confederate War Department issued a call for troops. Florida, under this newly enacted quota, will provide two regiments and one battalion to fight for wartime. Troops will meet at the chosen location and there "dress, be provided, and armed at the expense of Confederate nations." Next, each recipient will receive a $ 50 reward for volunteering.
Video Company K, 7th Florida Infantry Regiment
Captain Henry Mulrenan's Florida Volunteer Coast Guard Company is at the core of what will be the K Company, 7th Florida Infantry Regiment. The Mulrenan Company was organized and called to serve the State of Florida by Special Order No. 2, issued from the office of Adjutant General, Tallahassee, Florida, on November 27, 1861. The company was inaugurated as a civil servant on December 13, 1861, before Judge Augustus Steele, in Cedar Keys, Florida. Originally stationed in Tampa for a few days in mid-December 1861, the unit took over the station at Fort Buckley, Point Pinellas on December 21st, and stayed around for some time.
During its brief existence, Mulren Company was primarily involved in the routine tasks associated with coastguard units, such as exercises, guard duties, and coastline observations for enemy activities. In the latter, they regularly deployed three small armed vessels. Sloop Cate Dale (aka Kate Dale ) sends officers as well as a six-hammer cannon and provisions between the signal stations. The Mary Jane and Mollie Post are fourteen single-sided rowboats about thirty feet, and each may be fitted with a four-pound cannon in his bow.. It's not all work and no games, because their stopover also includes a period of welcome activities, such as fishing, hunting, singing, dancing, and other similar episodes. The sobriquet, Key West Avengers, was adopted by the men on January 30, 1862.
Around mid-February 1862, people from the Mulren Company were advised that they would be taken to the Confederate Army service.
On April 10, 1862, Florida Governor John Milton informed War Secretary George W. Randolph that the request for "two regiments and half infantry... will take place on the 15th to be fully organized and subject to your order, and the company has simply volunteered to service for three years or a war to compose three infantry-filled regiments... to serve during the war and wherever their services may be needed... Some companies that will assemble the battalion [soon became the 7th Florida Infantry Regiment]... have used to rescue weapons, & landed on Smyrna, but would be at Camp Lee, if I got the right information (Camp Lee near Gainesville, in East Florida) just in time to pick a commander during this week. " 21 April 1862, Florida Aides and Inspector General Wm. H. Milton will inform Milton Governor that, "... five companies for local defense were assigned to General Trapier and he was ordered to be deployed into the Confederate service: One cavalry company, known as the Tallahassee Guard, and commanded by Capt. PB Brokaw , for twelve months, and placed near Shell Point, and four infantry companies, known as the Dilworth Volunteers, and commanded by Captain James Tucker, and served on the Suwannee River and on the railway bridge across the river; known as Key West Avengers, and commanded by Captain Henry Mulrenan, in Tampa Bay, and a company known as the Gulf Coast Rangers, and commanded by Capt. John C. Chambers, near Cedar Keys. "
The 7th Florida Infantry Regiment, which was created to complete the February quota, was held in Gainesville in late April, 1862. It consisted of nine militia companies that had been organized in late 1861 and early 1862, and for good measure added Mulrenan's Florida Volunteer Coast Guard Company. On April 25, 1862, most of the Mulrenan companies were deployed to serve as the K company, the 7th Florida Infantry. The selection of field officers and staff for 7th Florida was held on 25 April. Former Governor Madison Starke Perry was elected colonel; Robert W. Bullock was elected lieutenant colonel, and Tillman Ingram, the cousin and political crony of Madison Starke Perry, became major. Captain Mulrenan was appointed as assistant-mediator general, with the rank of major, on 24 April 1862. Robert Blair Smith, the 2nd lieutenant at the Mulren Company, was elected captain and company commander; the company will become "Smith's Company".
For the rest of April to early June, eight of the Florida 7 companies remain at Camp Lee outside Gainesville at the instruction camp; one company remains at Cedar Key, and Company K stays in Tampa. On June 12, companies in Camp Lee and Cedar Key traveled to Chattahoochie to start a steamship to Columbus, Georgia, where they arrived on June 14-15. Company K, after moving from Tampa to Chattahoochee, did not reach Columbus until July 11.
Maps Company K, 7th Florida Infantry Regiment
Active services
C.S. Army
Company K will serve from July to August 1862 in the Army in East Tennessee ordered by Major General Edmund Kirby Smith. The East Tennessee Army was redesigned as the Kentucky Confederate Army on August 25, 1862, when General Smith led him to eastern Kentucky during the Heartland Confederate Attack. On November 20, 1862, the command of the Mississippi Army, General Braxton Bragg, and the Kentucky Army commander, General E. Kirby Smith, became the Tennessee Army. General Bragg took command, and General Smith was transferred to the East Tennessee Department. The 7th Florida will remain assigned to the Tennessee Army for the remainder of the war (under General Braxton Bragg until December 27, 1863, under General Joseph E. Johnston from 27 December 1863, until 18 July 1864, under General John B Hood 18 July 1864 to January 23, 1865, under Major General Richard Taylor from 23 January to 23 February 1865: and again under General Joseph E. Johnston from 23 February to 26 April 1865.).
From May 1862 to March 1864, Company K experienced almost 38% of losses; not by combat action or disease, but by transferring its people to the Navy C.S. The "core" of Company K is that those who were before the war made a living as sailors or fishermen. 49 of the 82 people deployed to the Confederate service in Gainesville in April 1862 are already in state service to Florida, either in the Second Lieutenant of Coast Guard Coast Guard Merander or Florida Coast Guard Guard led by Henry Mulrenan.
Many "core" sailors are not at all happy with the idea of ââbeing soldiers. At the request of the stranded seafarers, Pvt. Peter A. Crusoe (until recently a Florida Florida Court clerk in Key West) was conquered to compose a letter to the Secretary of the Navy Confederation, former US Senator Stephen R. Mallory of Florida.
May 5, 1862 (Monday) - Fort Brooke, Florida - <"The petition was sent last night and Capt Smith was very angry, he said we wanted to disperse the company, but we assured him that it was not our intention but we wanted to enter the navy and will do it if we can chance. " - Sergeant 3 Robert Watson, Company K, Florida 7th Infantry Regiment
A number of prominent Key West residents are members of "Key West Avengers", and are personally known to Secretary Mallory; he seems to have no qualms about approving the requested transfer. On August 5, 1862, 10 people received an order to transfer them from "Key West Avengers" to CSSÃ, Chattahoochee under construction in Saffold, Georgia. Between 6 August 1862 and March 1864, 21 other "Key West Avengers" will be transferred to C. S. Navy; besides CSS Chattahoochee , they will also serve in CSS Charleston , CSSÃ, Columbia , CSSÃ, Georgia , CSSÃ , Macon , CSS Sampson , CSS Savannah , CSS Spray and CSS Tallahassee .
From 8-10 April, General Johnston reorganized the army, combining dozens of regiments and shrinking brigades. With fewer troops than a non-compulsive battalion, the remains of the Florida Brigade are unified to form the 1st Florida Infantry Regiment, the 1 & amp; Infantry Consolidation Florida Infantry 3rd (consolidated) (Captain A. B. McLeod); 1st Florida Cavalry (down) and 4th Florida Infantry (consolidated) (Capt George B. Langford); 6th Florida Infantry (Lieutenant Malcolm Nicholson); The 7th Florida Infantry (Captain Robert B. Smith).
Company K of the 7th Florida Infantry, together with companies A, C, D, and I, will be consolidated to form Company F of the 1st Florida Infantry Regiment.
19 April 1864 (Tuesday) - Savannah, Georgia - "One of our boats went down the river in the morning after the oysters, two homeless people and 4 people got in. They got a boatload and went to the beach and built a fire and when they open and eat, Robert Bryson and another man slip away and go and go to Fort Pulaski and Yankees. "
20 April 1864 (Wednesday) - Savannah, Georgia - "During the day our boat returned to the ship and confirmed reports about the two people leaving, they stayed by boat and searched all about for two people thinking that they might get lost in the swamp , but after waiting until noon they were satisfied that they had gone, so they started and returned to the ship (CSS Savannah).The Bryson moved from our company with me, I was very surprised at his village from the navy where he had plenty to eat and a little "[page ripped] starved, half naked and marching almost to [torn yard]." - Servant Robert Watson, CSS Savannah, CS Navy
- Warrior Thomas Burns was deployed to serve as a "sailor" on November 27, 1861, with Florida Volunteers Coast Guard from Henry Henry. He remained in this unit until deployed into Confederate services on April 25, 1862, when registered as a private at the Captain Smith Company (Key West Avengers), 7th Infantry Infantry Regiment by Major RB Thomas in Tampa, Florida, for a period of 3 years. year or war. He is present on all scrolls until his transfer to the Navy C.S. on August 8, 1862, and assigned to CSS Chattahoochee as a regular sailor.
- Personality Thomas E. Butler was born in London, England, in 1834. He was deployed to serve as a "sailor" on December 15, 1861, with Florida Volunteers Coast Guard from Henry Henry. He was accidentally injured in the leg by a loaded weapon accident on February 5, 1862. He remained in this unit until deployed into the Confederate service on 25 April 1862, when he was registered as a private at the Captain Smith Company (Key West Avengers), Infantry 7th Infantry Regiment by Major RB Thomas in Tampa, Florida, for a period of 3 years or war. He is reported to be present; because of the $ 50 bounty and money on clothes. He was present on all scrolls until July 8, 1862, when he was reportedly dismissed by orders of Brigadier General Joseph Finnegan. The reason for the exit is not given, and there is no further explanation of him from this date.
Source of the article : Wikipedia