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A Guide to the World of Valerian | CBR

On the Space Line (Par les Chemins de l'Espace) is a collection of short stories in French comic books (or bande dessinà ©  © e ) science fiction series ValÃÆ'  © rian and Laureline created by writer Pierre Christin and artist Jean-Claude MÃÆ'Ã… © ziÃÆ'¨res. They first appeared in the Super Pocket Pilote , quarterly quarterly branch of Quarterly quarterly, between 1969 and 1970.

Video Across the Pathways of Space


The Great Collector (Le Grand Collectionneur)

First published in Super Pocket Pilote , Issue 3 (April 3, 1969)

Valerie returned from a mission in the Arcturus system when malicious malfunctions and stopped dead. Spacewalking outside the ship in an attempt to make improvements, he finds Arcturian floating in space. Arcturian tells him that his ship is caught in a magnetic trap and falls into the nearest asteroid. He told Valencia to bring his magnetic field generator when he met and then he fell into an asteroid. Sure enough, as Arcturian had told him, the Valen had fallen over an asteroid in a spaceship tomb. Go find the cause of the problem, he finds what looks like a maze. Exploring, he found a cage containing two birds from Deneb. They told him that they had been captured by the Great Collector and were part of the zoo. Looking for the Arcturian, he meets more alien prisoners and eventually finds Arcturian which now looks old and wrinkled. Arcturian told Valencia that what he saw outside his ship was only a projection of his mind. He went on to say that he was sure he could reverse the magnetic field that drew the spacecraft to the planet and keep the enclosure locked using a magnetic field generator that Valea had brought, although the process would have killed him. Reluctantly, Valens connected the Arcturian to the device and his body flashed. Magnetic fields are disabled and specimens leave their cages. They were chased by the Great Collector - a giant creature like a spider - who managed to kill some of its prey but most managed to get on their ship and dashed. Valoca, finally, managed to get onto his ship as well from where he broadcasted all warning messages from approaching the asteroids and Great Collectors.

Fflumgluff of Friendship (Le Fflumgluff de l'Amitie)

First published in Super Pocket Pilote , Issue 8 (June 25, 1970)

Valencia waited at one of the Spatio-Temporal Service bases for his partner Slane to arrive. The ship looks but fails to slow down and falls to the land that is narrowly missing from Valeria. The hull broke and the large tentacles of vegetation spewed. ValÃÆ'Â © rian tries to clean it with laser cannons, but the creature absorbs energy and grows larger. As the tentacles spread toward his ship, Valencia set out to escape overwhelmed. Turning on the spatio-temporal machine, he jumped back a few hours in an attempt to find what was happening. Rendezvousing with a Slane ship, he enters and finds Slane unconscious in control, a vegetable tentacle growing from his stomach. Realizing that he was late, he returned to his ship and jumped back in a few hours. This time Slane was conscious and Valene relaxed thinking that she had arrived on time. Then Slane started complaining of a stomachache - she ate food with the natives on planet Malvis when she was there yesterday. Realizing that this must be the source of his problem, Valón demanded that Slane give him Malvis coordinates. Jumping back more in time again, Valencia arrived at Malvis just as Slane was landing. Before Valene could explain what she was doing here, the natives arrived. Slane closed a trade deal with indigenous people and two Terrans were invited to attend the festival in honor of them. Gathered for meals, Malvisian tribesmen offer a bowl of their favorite dishes, live plants, fflumgluff. When Slane grabs for some picking, Valens grabs it away - it is the same vegetation as he had seen before - and tells Slane not to eat it. Before he could explain, the Malvists were offended by the refusal to eat the food they put down and turned into evil. Valoria and Slane were forced to flee to their astroship. Meeting again later at the base, Valencia has many explanations to do for the angry Slane.

Tsirilitis Asteroid (Tsirilitis l'Asteroide)

First published in Super Pocket Pilote , 5th Edition (October 23, 1969)

The wonder of ValÃÆ'  © rian is on a strange asteroid with a strange cone the only annoyance to the ground that is oddly seamless. Inside the ship, Valencia lay unconscious. Another astroship ground beside Valerie and Laureline appeared. He rushed to Valerie's ship and forced her to take the antidote he brought. Valà © rician has been exploring asteroids when he was stung by a creature like a jellyfish. He managed to radio back enough information for Galaxity for them to make the antidote that Laureline delivered. Laureline wants to leave but Valencia wants to finish exploring the asteroid. he climbed onto one ton of cones to find the actual asteroid hollow shell. Several jellyfish emerged from the cone and dragged Valeria inside. He absorbed a large cellular structure resembling a giant bacterium and stored in the center of a living asteroid - it introduces itself as Tsirillitis and tells Valeria that it has disrupted its biological function. ValÃÆ' © rian will be destroyed and his body is used to fertilize Tsirillitis. Meanwhile, Laureline follows in the footsteps of Valoria and, though she does her best to fight, ends soon as Valeria is on her way to the crusher to feed Tsirillitis. Suddenly Laureline had an idea - she told Valeria to throw the last antidote into the crushers. Tsirillitis reacts violently to the drug and vomiting Valiana and Laureline back to the surface that returns to their ship and leaves. Back at Galaxity, Valà © lia tells the story but Laureline worries that they have killed innocent living creatures. Valoca ian © rian told her not to worry - Tsirillitis is fine, but she will not eat again Terrans rush.

The Cogs of Uxgloa (Les Engrenages d'Uxgloa)

First published in Super Pocket Pilote , Issue 4 (June 12, 1969)

Valerie is a mission to explore the planet Uxgloa. Landing, Valens quickly realized that he had accidentally landed in the middle of the battlefield. He was amazed to notice that everyone in each army was identical to each other. Backtracking back to the astroship, she was hit in the head by a rock and fainted through the entrance. The leader of one of the soldiers, named Urs, followed him and he was in turn followed by another army leader, Kline. They fight and Ur kills Kline. Valerie comes and is horrified to discover that her insanity has been damaged beyond repair by the fight. He was stranded in Uxgloa. Urs offers to help Valème rian. As they pass through the battlefield, Valencia realizes that the only body is the human body of Urs. Urs tells him that the soldiers are just an illusion and push buttons on the device he's wearing, all his men disappear. Arriving at the castle Urs, he explains that he was born in an automatic incubator and his goal is to fight other Uxgloa rulers. Valoca asked Urs if his race had ever traveled to the stars. Urs tells him that it says that in the Northern Desert there are remnants called "Star Gates". He then showed Valà © lia where his troops came from - a huge machine in the castle's abyss that creates images of whoever goes inside - sometimes older, sometimes younger. But there is a price - for every picture that is killed on the battlefield, the original one has to sleep for a day. Valencia step into the machine and two pictures of himself produced - one of them as a boy and one as an old man. Third Valeria leaves Urs and makes the North Desert. After days of searching, they finally found the Star Gate, a celestial sphere located on a black lake. Older Valia reveals that the letters written on the device are similar to those seen on Earth in Tibet. Finally, Valencia found a representation of the solar system on the ball and the young Valia found a way of activating the mechanism. Valoca rian disappeared into the Star Gate, leaving the elders of Valeria to live the rest of their lives at Uxgloa. Valoca landed back on Earth in the lake and went looking for civilization, wondering how he would be able to explain what happened to the Galaxy.

Planet Sadly (La Planete Triste)

First published in Super Pocket Pilote , 6th Edition (December 25, 1969)

Valencia is sent by Galaxity on a reconnaissance to the Flammil planet surrounded by a dense asteroid belt. Making his strength through the belt, Valmorley's madness becomes entangled in the vegetation. While working outside the ship trying to free him, he saw the female humanoid figure. Pursuing him, he runs away but has difficulty and ultimately depends on creeping. ValÃÆ'  © rian saved him and he took him to his village. The village is inhabited by female hunters like Valia being pursued. Valà © lia asked for help to free his ship and two of them took him to the streets through an asteroid. Following the path, he arrived at an asteroid inhabited by old men chained to the top of the stone pillars. Communicating telepathically, they tell Vala that they redeem the sins of Falmmil and that the huntresses bring them food and protect them. They told Valencia that he would find help if he went to three months. Continuing along the way through the asteroid he came to three months that had been locked along with metal struts. The population is poor and malnourished and tends to thin cultivated fields. Reaching a building in one of the moon, Valencia meets with the elders. They explained that Flammil himself was no longer inhabited after being radio-sterilized after the war. Survivors struggle to exist in the asteroid belt that seeks to preserve their history and culture. Vala  © rian sympathize and tell him that the earth should cope with a situation entirely (reference to the 1986 disaster seen at The City of Shifting Waters ). He offers Earth help in return for help in releasing his foresight. Later, his astroship was released, he arranged a decontamination expedition from Earth to visit Flammil. Triumph of Technology

First published in Super Pocket Pilote , 9th Edition (October 29, 1970)

Galaxity plans to establish a communications relay on Lanning planet. Unfortunately, the natives, though friendly, are very primitive and may be bothered by the presence of a large mechanism on their land. Valencia are sent to try to familiarize them with high-tech Galaxity in the hope that they will receive the relay. Arriving at Lanning, the natives held a party in Valerie's honor. After the party, Valencia offered to show them some of the Galaxity technology. He is demonstrating a dream projector. The natives were not impressed and asked Valencia to think of someone he liked. Suddenly, Valencia has a very clear dream about Laureline far superior to anything the projector can offer. Realizing that the projector will not impress them, he demonstrates his all-terrain vehicle. The indigenous chief complains about the bumpy ride but Valà © lia responds that this is a faster way to get around. Suddenly, from standing up, the rest of the native population took over the vehicle on foot, barely sweating. Annoyed, Valencia tried another tack and strap on the jet pack, flying into the air. However, Lannings has another trick on their arm - they can fly! To add insult to injury, the Valenia jet pack was damaged and he had to be rescued by Lannings. The Lannings found this very funny and asked Valencia to show them another machine. He shows a personal shield - the head puts one and Valea throws a stone at him indicating that they are bouncing off the shield. Then one of the other natives stepped forward and blew up the shield just by snapping it with his finger. Valoca later surrendered and returned to the camp. The natives asked what was wrong and he explained that he had to demonstrate his technology so that they would accept a communications relay. He showed them the relay model and Lannings was so impressed with how beautiful they immediately agreed that it could be built on their land. Valoca returns to Galaxity and tries not to laugh when his boss congratulates him showing Lannings the technological triumph of Galaxity.

Funny Specimens (Droles de Specimens)

First published in Super Pocket Pilote , 7th Edition (March 19, 1970)

Valerie, accompanied by Laureline and two technocrats from Galaxity - Myril, biochemist and Astair, a mathematician - have set up a laboratory at the planet polar Malpalm. The poles mark the meeting point between four spatio-temporal errors that make up the four discrete zones on the planet. In Zone A, time is moving very fast and the age of fast formats there. In Zone B, time moves backwards. In Zone C, everything continues to shrink in size. And in Zone D, everything continues to grow in size. Astair has calculated that humans can survive in every zone for 12 minutes before they are affected by the conditions there. Its mission is to bring back samples from each Zone for analysis. The first expedition will be to Zone A and C and will be done by Myril and Astair respectively while Valencia and Laureline monitor their progress. Myril enters Zone A to bring back some birds and Astair enters Zone C to bring back some dragonflies. After 10 minutes, Laureline warns the two to start running again but there is no answer from either. Valencia goes to Zone A to save Myril. Reaching the spot where Myril was last seen, he discovered that Myril was accidentally trapped inside a cage intended to put his specimen and had lived to death. Valà © lia returned to the lab with Myril's body. But he has an idea - he asks Laureline to take the corpse to Zone B to see if the current backwards there brings her around. Then he enters Zone C to search for Astair. He found the Astair that had shrunk into the size of a louse. By the time he brought it back to the lab, Valea needed a microscope to see it. He takes him to Zone D where Astair slowly grows back to its normal size. Suddenly they are attacked by one of the giant sequoia eaters who live in the Zone blocking the entrance to the lab. Using his weapon, ValÃÆ' © rian made the animal run away but his exposure to the zone was too long and he had grown so high that he had trouble squeezing through the lab door. Once inside, he realized that Laureline had been gone too long. Looking for Zone B, he is horrified to find Myril has come back to life, he is now just a boy and Laureline is still a baby. Taking them both back to the lab, Valencia tries to keep order while Astair tries to calculate how long each need to spend in each zone to return to normal. Galaxity calls looking for progress reports and Valà © lia tells them that they have some technical difficulties.

Maps Across the Pathways of Space


  • This collection was first published in 1997, ISBNÃ, 2-205-04456-7. No official English translation.
  • The order of stories published in Super Pocket Pilote is different from the order shown in this collection. Correct chronological order should be:
  1. Extraordinary Collector
  2. The Cogs of Uxgloa
  3. Tsirilitis Asteroid
  4. The Planet is
  5. Funny Specimens
  6. Fflumgluff of Friendship
  7. Victory Technology
  8. Laureline appeared personally in just two stories, Asyloid Tsirilitis and Funny Specimens , and made a cameo in Valoca  © rian dreaming at < i> Triumph of Technology .
  9. It is unclear exactly where in Valencia the canon of this story fits - their original publications will coincide with the serialization of the City of Water Shift , The Thousand Planet Empire and The World Without Star in Pilote . Chronologies published with Bad Dreams and In Uncertain Times place this story as happening before Welcome to Alflolol .
  10. The Great Collector's story featured the first appearance in Torian's plate-shaped astroship mold.
  11. Source of the article : Wikipedia
